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AUTODOC_D is a powerful documentation generator designed for gLPU. It parses JSDoc-style comments in LPC source files and generates structured documentation for both the mudlib and a wiki.


The system starts by loading configuration settings:

  • AUTODOC_ROOT - Directory for mudlib documentation
  • WIKI_DOC_ROOT - Directory for wiki documentation
  • AUTODOC_SOURCE_DIRS - Directories to scan for source files

Scanning Process

The scanning process is synchronous and occurs in two phases:

  1. Directory Scanning - Iterates through AUTODOC_SOURCE_DIRS and collects all .c files in each directory.
  2. File Parsing - Parses each collected file for JSDoc-style comments and extracts function definitions and associated documentation.

Parsing Logic

The system recognizes the following JSDoc tags:

  • @description
  • @def
  • @param
  • @returns
  • @example

It uses regular expressions to identify these tags and extract their content.

Documentation Generation

After parsing, the system generates two types of documentation:

  • Mudlib Documentation - Structured format for internal use Organized by function type and name.
  • Wiki Documentation - Markdown format for easy reading Includes an index and individual function pages.


To start the autodoc process, user the autodoc command with the scan argument. You will see output that looks similar to this:

• Starting autodoc scan
• Autodoc has completed.
• Scan time: 0.72s
• Directories scanned: 2
• Files scanned: 60

Writing Documentation

To document your functions, use JSDoc-style comments above your function definitions:

Example documentation

 * @simul_efun add_numbers
 * @description Calculates the sum of two numbers
 * @param {int} a - The first number
 * @param {int} b - The second number
 * @returns {int} The sum of a and b
 * @example
 * int result = add_numbers(5, 3);
 * // result is now 8
int add_numbers(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;


Mudlib Documentation

Mudlib documentation is generated in a structured format, organized by function type and name. This is useful for programmatic access to documentation.

Wiki Documentation

Wiki documentation is generated in Markdown format, which includes:

  • An index page for each function type
  • Individual pages for each source file, containing:
  • Function synopses
  • Parameter descriptions
  • Return value descriptions
  • Detailed descriptions
  • Examples (if provided)

Best Practices

  • Be consistent in your documentation style
  • Always include a @description for each function
  • Document all parameters using @param
  • Specify return values with @returns
  • Provide examples for complex functions using @example


If you encounter issues:

  • Check the system log for error messages
  • Ensure all required configuration settings are properly defined
  • Verify that your JSDoc comments are correctly formatted

By following these guidelines and utilizing the autodoc system, you can maintain comprehensive and up-to-date documentation for your MUD, improving code maintainability and easing the onboarding process for new developers.