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CONFIG_D daemon is vital for managing and loading the game's configuration settings, ensuring that your game runs with the right parameters.

CONFIG_D daemon is responsible for reading and holding game configuration data. It loads settings from two JSON files:

  • adm/etc/default.json: This file contains default configuration values stored in the repository.
  • adm/etc/config.json: This file allows for custom configuration overrides and is not stored in the repository, ensuring that your custom settings are preserved across updates.

How it Works

When the daemon is loaded, it reads from default.json first to gather the baseline settings. It then reads from config.json to override any settings specified there. This layered approach allows you to maintain default settings while customizing specific configurations for your particular instance of the game.


To use this daemon, simply ensure it is loaded and use the mud_config() simul_efun to retrieve configuration values.


string autodoc_root = mud_config("AUTODOC_ROOT");

Updating Configuration

The master command is used to manually reload the configuration settings after you have made changes to config.json to rehash the configuration values without restarting the game.