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To integrate gLPU with GitHub issues, you need to setup a Personal Access Token (PAT) in your GitHub account. This token is used to authenticate the your game with GitHub.

Create a Personal Access Token

  1. Go to your GitHub account token settings.
  2. Click on Generate new token.
  3. You will need to use a fine-grained token with access to either All repositories, or select repositories (like your game repo).
  4. For permissions, you need to select Issues (read/write).
  5. Click on Generate token. You will see a token like ghp_pat_1234567890abcdefghij1234567890abcdefghij. Record this token.

Setting up the token in your game

You can safely store your token in in adm/etc/config.json. You should define the following objects in the config.json file:


    "token": "github_pat_XXXXX",
    "owner": "gesslar",
    "repo": "glpu",
    "types": [
  • token - The Personal Access Token you generated.
  • owner - The owner of the repository. This is the username of the owner of the repository.
  • repo - The repository name.
  • types - The types of issues you want to report. This is an array of strings that correspond to the labels you want to use in your repository.

  • Once you've updated the config.json, execute the master command to update the configuration daemon.

Using the GitHub reporter

The GitHub daemon to report issues is GH_ISSUES_D. This daemon will report issues to your GitHub repository.

To use the daemon, you need to call the create_issue method with the following arguments:

  • string type: The type of the issue. This should be one of the types defined in GITHUB_REPORTER_TYPES.
  • string title: The title of the issue.
  • string body: The body of the issue.
  • mixed callback: The callback to call when the issue is created. This should be a function pointer or a string with the name of the function to call. If using a string, the callback will be called in the same object that called create_issue. So, do ensure, in both cases, that the calling object does not become unloaded and that, in the case of a string, the function exists and is public.

The daemon will then create an issue in your GitHub repository with the title and body you provided and assign the label corresponding to the type you used.

Once it has received a positive response from GitHub, it will call the callback with the body of the response. If there was an error, it will call the callback with the error message in the body.

Backlog processing

If, for any reason, the GitHub daemon is unable to create an issue, it will store the issue in a backlog. The backlog is a list of issues that the daemon will attempt to create when it is able to do so. This is called in the setup() method of the daemon, however, you can also call it manually by calling the process_backlog method.


  • config.json is by default in the .gitignore file, therefore you don't need to worry about accidentally committing your token to your repository.
  • Personal Access Tokens have a required expiration. So, you will need to generate a new token when the current one expires. Do make note of when the token expires and set a reminder to generate a new token before that time.
  • The GH_ISSUES_D daemon will report issues as the owner of the PAT.
  • The GH_ISSUES_D daemon will not report issues that are not in the GITHUB_REPORTER_TYPES array.
  • Backlog processing will not execute callbacks, as that information cannot be stored in the backlog.