
LOOT_D is responsible for managing the loot that is dropped by mobs when they are killed, or treasure chests, or other sources of loot. Refer to the documentation on M_LOOT for more details on how to use the loot system.

LOOT_D processes the array of entries from the object, where each entry is an array containing two elements:

  • The item or items to be dropped
  • The chance (as a float) of this entry being selected

The item element can be configured in several ways:

  • Simple String - A single item represented by its file path.


  • Array of Strings - Multiple items, one of which will be randomly selected.

    ({ "/obj/sword", "/obj/axe", "/obj/mace" })

  • Array with Item and Arguments - An item with additional setup arguments.

    ({ "/obj/potion", ({ "healing", 50 }) })

  • Weighted Mapping - A mapping where keys are items and values are their weights.

    ([ "/obj/gem" : 1, "/obj/coin" : 3 ])

  • Complex Weighted Mapping - A mapping where keys can be any of the above item types.

        "/obj/gem" : 1,
        ({ "/obj/sword", "/obj/axe" }) : 2,
        ({ "/obj/potion", ({ "strength", 3 }) }) : 3
  • Function - A function that returns any of the above types.

    (: generate_random_item :)