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GMCP Specification

The following outlines the GMCP specification for gLPU, including what is sent by the server and what is sent by the client, as well as expectations and any default behaviour.


Oubound Messages
  • All numeric values are ultimately sent as strings, i.e. 10 is sent as "10" and 1.5 is sent as "1.5".

  • gLPU, as a FluffOS MUD, does not support boolean values and therefore all boolean values are sent as "true" or "false" strings.

  • gLPU, as a FluffOS MUD, does not support the concept of null, nil, or undefined and therefore all such values are sent as 0.

  • Although the examples provided below may be shown on multiple lines, they sent as a single line JSON string.

Inbound Messages
  • Boolean values sent as native true or false values are received just fine and are automatically converted to the corresponding LPC values of 1 and 0 respectively.

  • Null values sent as native null values are received just fine and are automatically converted to the corresponding LPC value of 0.

  • Although the examples provided below may be shown on multiple lines, they are expected to have been sent as a single line JSON string.


Examples may include the same hash for multiple objects to simplify the demonstration. In practice, each object will have a different hash id.

Supported Packages and modules

  • Core - Core functionality
  • Char - Character information
  • Room - Room information




Identifies the client to the server. Client and version are sent as JSON object. This should be the first message sent by the client to the server.


Core.Hello { "client": "Mudlet", "version": "1.0" }


Sent by the client to the server to send a Core.Ping in response. A payload is optional, and if present is an integer representing the average ping time from previous requests.


Core.Ping 12

gLPU by default does not make use of the information provided in this message's payload.


This module is used to inform the server of the client's supported features.


Send the client's supported features to the server, all at once in one message.

The format a JSON array of strings and integers where the strings are the GMCP packages and the integers are the module versions.


Core.Supports.Set [ "Core 1", "Char 2", "Comm 1", "Room 1" ]

Per the GMCP specification, Core.Supports.Set will always overwrite any existing information, whether from previous .Set, .Add, or .Remove messages.

gLPU does not make use of the module version information supplied by the client.


Ordinarily, all information from a client is sent at once via Core.Supports.Set, however, sometimes there are plugins or extensions to a MUD client that add additional capabilities. In such cases, Core.Supports.Add can be used to announce those capabilities to the server. They are sent one at a time in a similar format to Core.Supports.Set with the name of the package and the version number.


Core.Supports.Add "Client 1"

Remove any module from being supported. This informs gLPU that the client would no longer like to receive information for that module.

The format is a JSON array with the name(s) of the module(s) to remove. No version number is required.


Core.Supports.Remove [ "Client", "Room" ]



Sent by the server to the client to respond to a Core.Ping. There is no payload.




Sent by the server to the client to inform that the character has been logged out. The payload is a string which can contain any message, including a reason for the disconnection.


Core.Goodbye "Farewell, adventurer!"




This module handles the login process for a character.


Sent by the client to the server to login a character. The payload is a JSON object with the following keys:

  • account - The account name
  • password - The password


Char.Login.Credentials { "account": "username", "password": "password" }


Sent by the client to request inventory information.


Request a list of all items within a specified container. The payload is a string reflecting the hash of the container to list items from. The container must be located in the room the character is in, or in the character's inventory.


Char.Items.Contents "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2"

Request a list of all items in the character's inventory. There is no payload.



List items in the room the character is in. There is no payload.





Processes the login request from the client and send back the result.


Sent by the server to the client to inform the result of the login attempt. The payload is a JSON object with the following keys:

  • success - A string representing a boolean indicating if the login was successful: "true" or "false"
  • message - A string containing a message to the client


Char.Login.Result { "success": "false", "message": "Invalid account name." }



List items in a specific inventory or container. The payload is a JSON object as a string with the following keys:

  • location - The location of the container to list items from. Possible values are:

    • "inv" - The character's inventory,
    • "room" - The room the character is in,
    • "hash" - The object ID of a container in the room or the character's inventory
    • items - A JSON array of objects representing the items in the container. Possible keys for each item are:
    • "hash" - The object ID of the item
    • "name" - The name of the item
    • "icon" - The icon of the item
    • "id" - The IDs of the item
    • "attributes" - This is an undelimited string containing the attributes of the item. Possible attributes are:
      • w - worn
      • W - wearable, but not worn
      • l - wielded
      • c - container
      • t - takeable
      • m - monster
      • d - dead monster


Char.Items.List {
    "location": "inv",
    "items": [
            "hash": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
            "name": "flaming cudgel",
            "icon": "weapon",
            "id": [ "cudgel", "flaming cudgel" ],
            "attributes": "Wt"
Char.Items.List {
    "location": "room",
    "items": [
            "hash": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
            "name": "a menacing goblin",
            "icon": "monster",
            "id": [ "goblin", "menacing goblin" ],
            "attributes": "m"
Char.Items.List {
    "location": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
    "items": [
            "hash": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
            "name": "potion of healing",
            "icon": "potion",
            "id": [ "potion", "potion of healing" ],
            "attributes": "t"
            "hash": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
            "name": "loaf of bread",
            "icon": "food",
            "id": [ "bread", "loaf of bread" ],
            "attributes": "t"

Add an item to either the character's inventory or the room the character is in. The payload is a JSON object in the same format as Char.Items.List, except that it is only one item, and therefore the key will be item.


Char.Items.Add {
    "location": "inv",
    "item": {
        "hash": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
        "name": "potion of healing",
        "icon": "potion",
        "id": [ "potion", "potion of healing" ],
        "attributes": "t"

Remove an item from either the character's inventory or the room the character is in. The payload is a JSON object in the same format as Char.Items.Add.


Char.Items.Remove {
    "location": "room",
    "item": {
        "hash": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
        "name": "potion of healing",
        "icon": "potion",
        "id": [ "potion", "potion of healing" ],
        "attributes": "t"

Update an item in either the character's inventory or the room the character is in. The payload is a JSON object in the same format as Char.Items.Add.


Char.Items.Update {
    "location": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
    "item": {
        "hash": "8351cdf67f1b439de383d0bda83318e2",
        "name": "potion of healing",
        "icon": "potion",
        "id": [ "potion", "potion of healing" ],
        "attributes": "t"


Sent by the server to the client to provide the character's vital statistics. The payload is a JSON object with the following keys:

  • hp - The character's health points
  • max_hp - The character's maximum health points
  • hp_ratio - The character's health points as a ratio of maximum health points
  • sp - The character's skill points
  • max_sp - The character's maximum skill points
  • sp_ratio - The character's skill points as a ratio of maximum skill points
  • mp - The character's movement points
  • max_mp - The character's maximum movement points
  • mp_ratio - The character's movement points as a ratio of maximum movement points

Any and all values may be present in the payload, depending on what information has changed.


Char.Vitals {
    "hp": "10.0", "max_hp": "100.0", "hp_ratio": "10.0",
    "sp": "15.0", "max_sp": "100.0", "sp_ratio": "15.0",
    "mp": "25.0", "max_mp": "115.0", "mp_ratio": "21.74"


Sent by the server to the client to provide the character's status information. The payload is a JSON object with the following keys:

  • name - The character's name
  • xp - The character's experience points
  • tnl - The character's time until next level
  • level - The character's level
  • fill - The character's fill level
  • capacity - The character's capacity
  • current_enemy - The character's current enemy
  • current_enemy_health - The character's current enemy's health
  • current_enemies - The character's current enemies
  • seen_enemies - The character's seen enemies
  • wealth - The character's wealth

Any and all values may be present in the payload, depending on what information has changed.


Char.Status {
    "name": "Aragorn",
    "xp": "100.0", "tnl": "200.0", "level": "10",
    "fill": "15.0", "capacity": "100.0",
    "current_enemy": "Goblin", "current_enemy_health": "100.0",
    "current_enemies": [ "Goblin", "Orc" ],
    "seen_enemies": [ "Goblin", "Orc", "Troll" ],
    "wealth": {
        "copper": "10",
        "silver": "10",
        "gold": "10",
        "platinum": "10"


Sent by the server to the client to provide the character's status variables. These correspond to the variables listed in the Char.Status payload and are provided once, upon initial connection, as a way for the client to get the key/value pair of label/friendly name of the status variables, perhaps for use in a GUI.

The payload is a JSON object of key/value pairs where the key is the label of the status variable and the value is the friendly name of the status variable.


Char.StatusVars {
    "name": "Name",
    "xp": "XP",
    "tnl": "TNL",
    "level": "Level",
    "fill": "Fill",
    "capacity": "Capacity",
    "current_enemy": "Current Enemy",
    "current_enemy_health": "Current Enemy Health",
    "current_enemies": "Current Enemies",
    "seen_enemies": "Seen Enemies",
    "wealth": "Wealth"




Sent by the server to the client to provide the room's information. The payload is a JSON object with the following keys:

  • hash - The hash of the room
  • area - The name of the area
  • coords - The coordinates of the room, as an array of 3 numbers representing x, y, and z respectively
  • environment - The environment of the room
  • exits - An object containing key/value pairs of exit direction and hash of the room to which the exit leads.
  • icon - The icon of the room
  • size - The size of the room, as an array of 3 numbers representing width, height, and depth respectively
  • type - The type of the room
  • subtype - The subtype of the room


Room.Info {
    "area": "Olum",
    "coords": { "-1", "0", "0" },
    "environment": "road",
    "exits": {
        "east": "ce53e6d9d4757b0d7c04223755216865",
        "south": "7ce32c91980d5d8cfbd25a6b36cc134c",
        "west": "d91efff11de437aed3974b4428a320e0"
    "hash": "61660eac2b962b70ab782ee6f697c592",
    "icon": "",
    "name": "A Path Through the Village",
    "size": { "1", "1", "1" },
    "subtype": "",
    "type": "room"


Sent by the server in response to the travel command. The payload is an array of strings representing the hashes of the rooms to be traveled to.

This can be used by the client to initiate a speedwalk to the target room. If the character is to be traveling to more than one location, the client should ensure that a pause is introduced betweeen each destination of at least 2 seconds.


Room.Travel [ "ce53e6d9d4757b0d7c04223755216865", "7ce32c91980d5d8cfbd25a6b36cc134c" ]