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Administrator Preferences

All of the preferences listed in the User Preferences section apply to administrators as well. In addition, the following preferences are available to administrators:

To set a preference, use the set command. For example:

set log_level 4

To clear a preference, set the preference with no value. For example:

set log_level


This variable allows you to provide a custom message to be printed whenever you clone an object. $N will be replaced with your name, and $O will be replaced with the name of the object.


This variable allows you to provide a custom message to be printed whenever you destruct an object. $N will be replaced with your name, and $O will be replaced with the name of the object.


When you receive system messages of ok, inform, warn, or error, this variable allows you to set the tagging that appears before the message.

If this is not set, then you will receive the default system tags for feedback messages.

  • normal - a coloured symbol, attempting to use Unicode
  • plain - a coloured symbol, using ASCII
  • none - no symbol or file tag

If you are using a screenreader, then you will receive feedback decoration.


This variable allows you to set the level of logging that body and user events will generate. This can be set on players, but as this information is printed to the debug.log, they won't see it. This is useful for debugging purposes.

REMEMBER: This will generate a lot of information, so be careful with this and don't forget to turn it off.

Levels are 1 to 4, with 1 being the least nerdy information and 4 being the most nerdy information. 0 or unset will turn off logging.


This variable allows you to set whether you see the file names of the room or objects when you look at them. The default is on.

  • on - show for rooms only
  • off - do not show for rooms or objects
  • all - show for rooms and objects


This variable allows you to provide a custom message for whenever you move normally to a room. The move_in message will be printed to the room the you move into.

$N will be replaced with your name, and $D will be replaced with the direction/exit you use.

Note: You are not required to use either $N or $D you may put your name in literally if you wish.


This variable allows you to provide a custom message for whenever you move normally from a room. The move_out message will be printed to the room you move from.

$N will be replaced with your name, and $D will be replaced with the

Note: You are not required to use either $N or $D you may put your name in literally if you wish.


This variable allows you to set a start_location besides the standard one You must provide a full path to a room or set it to last_location to return to the last room you were in before logging out.

If you do not set a start_location, you will default to your workroom in your home directory if it exists. Otherwise, you will login to the same start location as players.


This variable allows you to provide custom messages for whenever you teleport to a different place. The teleport_in message is printed to the room the you teleport to.

$N in the message will be replaced with your name, and $D will be replaced with the location being teleported to.

Note: You are not required to use either $N or $D you may put your name in literally if you wish.


This variable allows you to provide custom messages for whenever you teleport from a room. The teleport_out message is printed to the room you teleport from.

$N in the message will be replaced with your name, and $D will be replaced with the location being teleported from.

Note: You are not required to use either $N or $D you may put your name in literally if you wish.