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To use the currency system, you need to inherit M_CURRENCY in your mob or object. This will give you access to the API to manage currency transactions. Refer to the documentation on CURRENCY_D for more details on how the system operates.


Processes the transaction, checking if the player can afford it and adjusting their balance accordingly.

mixed handle_transaction(object tp, int cost, string currency)

  • tp (object) - The player object making the transaction.
  • cost (int) - The cost of the transaction.
  • currency (string) - The type of currency to use.


mixed result = handle_transaction(player, 100, "gold");


Checks if the player has enough funds in the specified currency for a transaction.

mixed check_funds(object tp, string currency, int amount)

  • tp (object) - The player object whose funds are being checked.
  • currency (string) - The type of currency to check.
  • amount (int) - The amount of currency to check against.


mixed result = check_funds(player, "gold", 50);


Transfers a specified amount of currency from one object to another.

mixed transfer_funds(object from, object to, string currency, int amount)

  • from (object) - The object from which funds are being transferred.
  • to (object) - The object to which funds are being transferred.
  • currency (string) - The type of currency being transferred.
  • amount (int) - The amount of currency to transfer.


mixed result = transfer_funds(player1, player2, "silver", 30);


Converts a specified amount of currency from one type to another.

mixed convert_for_transaction(object tp, int cost, string from_currency, string to_currency)

  • tp (object) - The player object.
  • cost (int) - The amount to convert.
  • from_currency (string) - The currency to convert from.
  • to_currency (string) - The currency to convert to.


mixed result = convert_for_transaction(player, 50, "silver", "gold");