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To use the loot system, you need to inherit M_LOOT in your mob or object. This will give you access to the API to add to or set the loot table. Refer to the documentation on LOOT_D for more details on how the system is executed.


Add a new item or set of items to the loot table.

  • If the item is null, the function returns without adding anything.
  • If the chance is null, it defaults to 100%.
  • If the chance is not a float (after conversion), the function returns without adding anything.
  • For string, mapping, and function types, the item is added directly to the loot table.
  • For arrays, each element of the array is added as a separate entry in the loot table, all with the same chance.

void add_loot(mixed item, float chance)

  • item (mixed) - The item or items to be added. Can be one of the following:
  • string - A single item represented by its file path.
  • mapping - A weighted mapping of items.
  • function - A function that returns an item or set of items.
  • array - An array of items, which can include strings, mappings, or nested arrays.
  • chance (float) - The chance of this loot entry being selected, as a percentage. If omitted, defaults to 100%. Integer values are converted to floats. Values are clamped to the range 0.0 to 100.0.


add_loot("/obj/sword", 75.0);
add_loot(([ "/obj/gem" : 1, "/obj/coin" : 3 ]), 50.0);
add_loot(({ "/obj/potion", ({ "healing", 50 }) }), 25.0);
add_loot(({ "/obj/sword", "/obj/axe", "/obj/mace" }), 80.0);


Set the entire loot table for the object.

  • If the provided table is not an array, the function returns without changing the loot table.
  • This function completely replaces the existing loot table with the new one.

void set_loot_table(mixed *table)

  • table (mixed *) - An array representing the complete loot table. Each element should be an array containing two elements:
    • The item or items (can be a string, mapping, function, or array)
    • The chance as a float


    ({ "/obj/sword", 75.0 }),
    ({ "/obj/potion", ({ "healing", 50 }) }),
    ({ ([ "/obj/gem" : 1, "/obj/coin" : 3 ]), 50.0 })


Retrieve the current loot table.

This function returns a copy to prevent direct modification of the loot table.

mixed *query_loot_table()


mixed *current_table = query_loot_table();